CORE-Conference in Gazzada October, 18-20, 2024

The 2024 CORE conference has taken place in Italy at the Villa Cagnola in Gazzada Schianno, nearby Varese, from October 18th to October 20th.

It will gather RCs from 7 DISTRICTS (1830 and 1930 – Germany; 2041, 2042 and 2050 – Italy; 1710 and 1780 – France). A total of 100 participants is expected from clubs of those 7 districts.

Welcome note by DG of the host district:

Dear Rotarian friends from Districts 1710, 1780, 1830, 1930, 2042 and 2050

coming from Italy, France and Germany we will meet once more in Gazzada, for the fourth plenary conference of our common initiative Cooperation of Rotarians for Europe (CORE). I am particularly happy that this year the conference will involve a larger audience, as new Rotarian friends from Districts 1780, 1930 and 2050 will join the ones of the founding Districts 1710, 1830 and 1930 who already took part to the three previous conferences in Sarnico (2021), in Lyon (2022) and in Pforzheim (2023). Therefore we will profit of a unique opportunity to enlarge and reinforce the networks already established between Clubs of our three Countries and Regions and actively working on the implementation our interdistrict projects aimed to actively support peace in our time by focusing on European understanding and involving young people from our three countries. The conference in Gazzada, however, will not be only a networking platform for Clubs willing to develop international partnerships focusing on joint service projects: in Gazzada we will have also the opportunity to meet and listen to some top level experts who will help us in deepening the issue of the challenges for maintaining internal cohesion and peace outside the borders of the European Union and in reflecting on what kind of active role CORE can play to these two aims.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Gazzada, yours

Carlo S.N. Fraquelli

Governor of District 2042, 2024-25