What we do
In a world marked by uncertainties and challenges, the call for leadership in fostering peace becomes ever more crucial. Europe, with its rich tapestry of nations, cultures, and histories, stands at the forefront of this global pursuit. Now, more than ever, the need for visionary leadership to navigate complexities and champion peace is evident.
Our priorities
CORE’s priorities reflect a commitment to service above self, guided by the belief that through collective action, positive change is not only possible but achievable. By addressing these priorities, CORE provides its contribution to leave a lasting impact and create a world where communities flourish, and individuals live with dignity and opportunity.”
Promoting Peace and Conflict Resolution
CORE recognizes the significance of peace in creating sustainable communities. By initiating peace-building projects, supporting conflict resolution efforts, and fostering understanding, CORE aims to contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious world.
Supporting Education
Education is a powerful tool for positive change. CORE emphasizes the importance of education by supporting projects that enhance access to quality learning opportunities, promote literacy, and empower individuals to reach their full potential.

We carry out projects in the regions of Lombardy (Italy), Rhône Alpes (France) and Baden Württemberg (Germany), all with the common goal of bringing Europe closer to young people.
Our approach is to inspire as many Rotary clubs in the three founder districts (1710, 1830 and 2042) as well as in nearby districts in the given regions to enter into partnerships and joint projects. We concentrate on the exchange of young people from the three regions. The focus is on improving mutual cultural understanding and working together on European issues.
So far, we have launched two concrete projects.
The first, the TriNational School Project (TNSP) is the exchange of youngsters from our three districts. Two sessions have already taken place with two highlights, the visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg and the visit to CERN in Geneva.
Secondly, a youth camp has taken place in Bergamo in June 2023 , where young students and young professionals from the three regions have taken part and dealt with European issues.
Two more projects are on the table. They were discussed during the Annual Conference in Pforzheim during October 2023 and are in an implementation phase. They concern setting up Global Grants among the participating clubs and creating « trinational twinnings » in our three regions.
Our projects
TriNational School Project
TriNational School Project The very first result of CORE was…
RES seminar in Stuttgart | 10-12 May 2024
Rotarian European Stars 2024 Res 2024 is a weekend seminar…
RES – Rotary European Stars 1st edition
RES – Rotary European Stars – Bergamo May 2023 The…