
Twinnings are partnerships between Rotary Clubs of CORE-Districts. In some cases we even have partnerships between three clubs from our French, German and Italian member districts. Internally, although the word officially does not exist, we like to call this “Trinnings”.

Twin clubs

Twin clubs, or sister clubs, are two clubs from different countries that form a long-term relationship to promote international understanding and goodwill and carry out service projects in their communities. When looking for a partner, consider clubs that:

  • Share similar interests, challenges, or history
  • You’ve worked with in the past
  • Are located in a place that matches your club’s service interests
  • Speak a common language
  • Browse projects seeking resources and consider partnering on a service project as a first step toward establishing a twin club relationship.
Rotary in action

Existing twinnings

Twinnings between D1710 in France and D1830 in Germany:

Twinnings between D1710 in France and D2042 in Italy:

Twinnings between D1830 in Germany and D2042 in Italy:

And there are even two Trinnings:

The how to for interested clubs


A precondition to go out on a club partnership is to start with a healthy club. Healthy is meant with respect to average age, gaining new members in the previous three years, share of members younger than 50 years, average attendance et al.

Pillar 1: How to begin a partnership?

The idea of a club partnership must never be the idea of just one friend (“I am responsible for international affairs in the club’s board, so I want to organize a partnership.”). The idea does not necessarily need the active unanimous support of all club members, but at least the support of a large group in the club and the acceptance of all others.

Pillar 2: Where to search for a partner club?

Possible sources for a search are the District International Chairs of the CORE-Districts and the national ICCs.
Factors to have in mind for a positive start of a future partnership are the language fit, practical logistics (not too big of a distance), a similar structure of the clubs’ regions as well well as a “common mindset” of the prospective partner clubs (what is our focus? What is our idea of Rotary? …)
Ideally, for some members on both sides there is a natural connect, they more than understand each other and become “personal!) friends right away even during the “warm-up phase”.

Pillar 3: How to live a partnership?

It is recommended to follow the ancient wisdom of First stand, then walk, finally run.
Start with fellowships and joint ideas between the clubs, accompanied by regular meetings.
Build personal friendships based on joint positive experiences and getting to know each other during the meetings of the clubs: friendship is a personal thing and you need to open yourself (and invite your guests into your home and your house etc.) to the other.
Continue to develop shared values and organize common projects

Pillar 4: What are tips taken from success cases?

The Basis or “Hygiene Factors”:
• “Annual Meetings” (“Wining and Dining is not just negative but helps in building fellowship and friendship)
• Share your weekly bulletin and summarize these bulletins in your club once per month or per quarter. Thus, the members in your club stay in close touch with your partner club.
• Exchange speeches or presentations between the partner clubs on your club’s activities or your region so that the partner clubs get to know each other better and thus grow together

The Add-ons or “Icing on the Cake”:
• Organize and offer also a children’s program to make participation for young families easier and more inviting
• Organize jointly youth exchange (above and beyond the national programs), school projects, RYLA-seminars etc.
• Prepare – ideally during an annual meeting / visit – a joint hands-on project: Doing and achieving something together regularly brings people together
• Start a joint Global Grant

Contacts for clubs interested in a partnership

If your Rotary Club is interested in a partnership with Rotary Club from one of our partner districts, please contact your District Governor or the Secretary of your country.